20,000 Ramadan Iftari’s 20,000 Ramadan Iftari’s

Honoring Shahadat/Martyrdom of Sayyidina Imam Ali (AS) by Distributing Zakat al-Fitr Grocery Packages to Low Income Families & Children - IND

Honoring Shahadat/Martyrdom of Sayyidina Imam Ali (AS) by Distributing Zakat al-Fitr Grocery Packages to Low Income Families & Children - IND
🌹Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem🌹

Honoring Urs of Shaykh Muhammad Baqi Billah (Q) by Distributing Surplus Bakery Items & Fresh Produce to Community’s Homeless Shelter – CHI Alhamdulillah, FZHH-India 🇮🇳 delivered grocery bags to last for 💯s of meals for many less privileged families 👪. Every package included meat, rice, lentils, cooking oil, spices, tea, and many other much needed items.

Shokran to all those who supported and participated 🙏🏽

Please continue to show your love by supporting these FZHH programs.

  • Mobile Food Relief Program

    Food Rescue & Redistribution: Support Today To Purchase More Vehicles and Equipment To Help Those In Need! As Salaamalaikum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh Brothers & Sis...

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  • Sadaqah

    Please add a note on which Sadaqah, Sadqah (صدقة) , or Sadaqqt (صدقات) the payment is for and dua requests. Sadaqah Nafilah: Sadaqa Lillah (لله), Sadaqa Waqf (وَقْف), Sadaqah Ja...

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  • Zakat

    Fulfilling your Zakat is an act of faith that purifies wealth while also serving humanity. Your payment offers recipients much-needed help, hope and a chance to improve their li...

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