Lahore, Pakistan - Honoring Holy Wiladat (Birthday) of Sultan al Awliya Fard Alam Shahe Kul Mawlana Shaykh Shah Bahauddin Naqshband Uwaisi al Bukhari (Q) Hasani Husseini by Repairing Cupboards & Installing New Locks/Handles & Mirrors at Girls Orphanage
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
“A man’s true wealth is the good he does in this world.” Prophet Muhammad ﷺ (S.A.W)
al Hamdulillah under the blessed guidance of Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi, FZHH & its Lahore, Pakistan volunteers honored Holy Wiladat (Birthday) of Sultan al Awliya Fard Alam Shahe Kul Mawlana Shaykh Shah Bahauddin Naqshband Uwaisi al Bukhari (Q) Hasani Husseini by repairing cupboards & installing new locks/handles & mirrors at girls orphanage.
MashAllah with Shaykh Nurjan's blessings, following repairs were made:
- Reparing Cupboards
- Installing New Locks & Handles of Cupboards
- Installing New Mirrors of Show Cases
Shokran to all the those whom donated and supported 🙏🏾.
Please continue to show your love by supporting these FZHH programs.
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