Spread Kindness This Ramadan - Donate Today Spread Kindness This Ramadan - Donate Today

Qurban Support

Half Qurban
Goat Zabiha Pakistan
Goat Zabiha Kenya
Lamb Zabiha India

Payment for any program requiring Qurabani or Qurban قربانى‎ offerings including Udhiyyah أضحية for Eidul Al Adha عيد الأضحى‎ sacrifice.

Based on Price Per Kilogram. Payments are priced in multiples of 1/2 zabiha or zabihah. * Note *: For Sadaqa Aqeeqah (عقيقة‎) please email info (at) muslimcharity.com beforehand to determine the feasibility of your request. Please add note for dedication or any dua requests you have.


For the poorest, many are forced to go without meat in their daily lives. But with your generous qurbani donation, we are able to alleviate this shortfall for many in need. On behalf of donors like you, Fatima Zahra Helping Hand (FZHH) prepares and distributes thousands of pounds of fresh meat to deprived communities around the world.

Your sacrifice helps feed those in poverty!

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