Spread Kindness This Ramadan - Donate Today Spread Kindness This Ramadan - Donate Today



Please add a note on which Sadaqah, Sadqah (صدقة) , or Sadaqqt (صدقات) the payment is for and dua requests.

Sadaqah Nafilah: Sadaqa Lillah (لله), Sadaqa Waqf (وَقْف), Sadaqah Jaariyah ( الجارية)

Sadaqah Wajibah: Fard Sadaqa, Fitrana, Sadaqat al-Fitr, Sadaqatul Fitr, Nadhr (النذر) (religous vow), Fidya, Fidyah (الفدية), Kaffarah (كفارة),

* Note not for Aqeeqah or Qurbani Sadaqa *: Sadaqa Aqeeqah (عقيقة) (Nafilah Sadaqa to honor new-born child), and Wajib Qurbani Sadaqah (قربانى) such as Udhiyyah (أضحية) (for Eidul Adha) should be processed under the section for Qurban / Zabiha (click here).


Fulfill your sadaqah by ensuring it goes to where it’s needed most. Not only does this act of charity purify one’s wealth, it creates the opportunity to serve humanity. Your sadaqah offers recipients much-needed help, hope, and the chance to improve their lives. From providing orphaned children access to education, supporting families with grocery and household necessities, to preparing and serving full meals to destitute communities, every dollar given reaches those who are most in need.
By contributing a regular monthly gift today, you can make an ongoing positive impact by supporting our long-term projects. Check out the Projects page to view recent activities and choose which appeal you would like to support.
Give with love to bring great blessings and immense rewards!
Become an Ambassador of Love today!

Create A Better Future

All too often, marginalized members of society continue to fight poverty and struggle to access the basic necessities of life. With your generous contributions, you can make a difference right now by helping us support those in need. Fatima Zahra Helping Hand (FZHH) runs global initiatives in local communities including Vancouver, BC; Los Angeles, CA; Lahore, Pakistan and more. We believe in relieving hardships for people by strengthening and restoring local communities. Your act of kindness has the power to save a life, uplift impoverished citizens, and change life outcomes of society’s most vulnerable. Help us raise the dignity of men, women, and children residing in our local communities and around the world. Together, with your monthly or one-time commitment, we can transform many lives for a brighter future.
Become an Ambassador of Love today!

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