* Phone Number – 1-844-MAWLANA (629-5262) [call]
Fatima Zahra Helping Hand (FZHH) was created by Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi from the Naqshbandi Vancouver Center to help those in need. As a non-profit, volunteer-based organization, we are guided by Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ noble example of showing endless love and support to those who are less fortunate. Together, with your generous contributions, we can create change and bring love, hope, and care to humanity around the world!
Our programs are designed to be accessible by anyone in need as we continue to expand our projects worldwide. However, we can only succeed with the financial contributions of people like you! All donations go directly to the purchase of food and supplies for each of our distribution events.
You will be rewarded with immense blessings while giving people in need the chance for a better life. Sponsor an event for yourself or on behalf of a loved one that is sick or has passed away. A regular monthly contribution of your choice will ensure we can continue our global outreach efforts.
Everyone has the right to live with dignity. Put your faith into action and donate today!
Guided by the timeless values of the Holy Qur’an and prophetic tradition, our vision is to uplift the impoverished, strengthen communities for a resilient future, and provide unconditional love and support to people in need, regardless of their backgrounds.
Our mission is to help the less fortunate break the cycle of poverty and achieve dignity by providing access to necessities of life, including food, water, shelter, health and wellness opportunities, and education. Our mission is carried out by developing global initiatives to support the most vulnerable communities. Our mandate includes local volunteers on the ground to help execute programs while offering a personal connection to those in need.Muslim Charity, Fatimah Zahra Helping Hand
Nur Muhammad / Muhammadan Way / Sufi Meditation Center (SMC) / Fatima Zahra Helping Hand (FZHH) are Registered Non-Profit Charity Organizations (under Tax ID#: 856872817 RR 0001). Your Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. For tax purposes, beginning of every year we will send tax-deduction documentation to donors who reside in Canada for donations they made the previous year. Thank you for your support!
Residents of the British Commonwealth such as the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, …etc. who paid in CAD can claim Tax Deductions to the extent of their nations law.
Mystic Meditation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Charity Organizations (under Tax ID#: 84-2681459). Your Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. For tax purposes, beginning of every year we will send tax-deduction documentation to donors who reside in US for donations they made the previous year. Thank you for your support!