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Build A Water Well

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FZHH's Sponsor a Water Well Program: About 5000 Wells Installed and Counting!

Water is the essence of life, and the absence of clean water poses severe health risks and hampers communities' overall well-being. FZHH's Sponsor a Water Well Program is a testament to our commitment to making a tangible difference in the lives of those who lack access to this fundamental resource.

Under this program, your support can make a significant impact. FZHH, with its network of dedicated volunteers and partners, ensures the construction of clean and sustainable water wells in areas where they are most needed. These wells not only provide communities with a consistent source of clean drinking water but also alleviate the physical and mental burdens of fetching water over long distances, often borne by children.

We are thrilled to share the remarkable progress of FZHH's Sponsor a Water Well Program. Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, about 5000 wells have been installed, providing clean and safe drinking water to communities in need. But the journey doesn't end here; there's still much more to be done.

You can make a profound impact on the lives of these communities in two meaningful ways:

Donate to Install a Well: Your donation can contribute to the construction of a brand-new water well in an underserved area. This act of generosity ensures that more people gain access to clean and life-saving water sources.

Send $29 USD for Repair Work: Existing wells also require maintenance and repair to remain operational. By sending $29 USD, you can support the critical upkeep of these wells, ensuring that they continue to provide clean water to those in need.

The gift of water is more than just hydration; it's a lifeline that saves lives. Each time someone drinks from a well you sponsored, you're making a tangible difference in someone's life. The impact is profound, and the ripple effect is immeasurable.

Consider this powerful truth: "And whoever saves one [a life] – it is as if he had saved all of mankind." (Qur'an, 5:32). Your contribution is a testament to this profound principle, demonstrating the potential for a single act of kindness to transform countless lives.

FZHH invites you to be a part of this life-saving journey. Donate today to sponsor a well and be a difference in the lives of communities and orphaned children who rely on these water sources. Your generosity is the key to hope, health, and a brighter future for all of humanity.

Join FZHH's Sponsor a Water Well Program and be a part of the life-changing journey that transforms the landscape of countless communities and provides a brighter future for the children they support.

Build a well in someone else’s name

Don’t forget:
Ramadan is a time when we remember our loved ones who have passed away, and many of us want to give Sadaqah, in their name during this blessed month. In the above hadith, the Prophet (saw) recommended water as the best charity to give in someone’s name. Every time someone breaks their fast using this water; wears the clothes washed with that water eats a vegetable grown from that water – both of you will be rewarded for that. It is the ultimate Sadaqah - The Gift of Water

On the authority of Sa‘d bin ’Ubadah that he said, ‘O Messenger of Allah! Umm (mother of) Sa‘d has died, so which charity is best?’ He (saw) replied, ‘[Providing] water’. He (ra) said, ‘So [Sa’d] dug a well and said, “This (well) is for Umm Sa‘d”’. [Abu Dawud]

Basic human right

Communities who don’t have access to clean water face unimaginable hardships, with women and children walking for hours to collect even a little Gift of water, and families unable to support themselves due to lack of education and livelihood.

Having access to safe water is a basic human right and fulfilling this right is an excellent Sadaqah. We use water for everything, from washing dishes to cooking food to growing crops. Fatima Zahra Helping Hand assists those in need. Please add a special note for dedication or any prayer requests you have.

Allah says in the Qur’an, ‘By means of water, we give life to everything’. (Qur’an, 21:30)

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