Muharram Clean Water Project - Donate Today Muharram Clean Water Project - Donate Today

Honoring Shab-E-Barat by Distributing 190+ Holy Qurbani Meat Bags & Sweets to Refugee Families at Muslim Food Bank – CAN

Honoring Shab-E-Barat by Distributing 190+ Holy Qurbani Meat Bags & Sweets to Refugee Families at Muslim Food Bank – CAN

🌹 Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem 🌹

🇨🇦🌹Nisf-Sha’aban (Shab-e-Barat) Qurbani: FZHH Distributed 190+ Lamb Meat Bags And Sweets To The Refugee Families At The Muslim Food Bank, Surrey.

Shokran to all those who supported and participated🙏🏽.

Please continue to show your love by supporting these FZHH programs.

  • Mobile Food Relief Program

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  • Qurban Support

    Payment for any program requiring Qurabani or Qurban قربانى‎ offerings including Udhiyyah أضحية for Eidul Al Adha عيد الأضحى‎ sacrifice. Based on Price Per Kilogram. Payments ar...

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