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Expressing Gratitude for Shaykh's Teachings by Distributing Food to Families with Children at Community's Homeless Shelter – CHI

Expressing Gratitude for Shaykh's Teachings by Distributing Food to Families with Children at Community's Homeless Shelter – CHI

🌹 Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem 🌹

Under the blessed guidance of Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi, FZHH & its Chicago volunteers expressed their gratitude for Shaykh's teachings by distributing Food to Families with Children at Community's Homeless Shelter - Catholic Charities: Villa Park.

Items Distributed are:

  • Stone Baked Four Cheese Pizza
  • Children's GoGurts
  • Fresh Strawberries
  • Fresh Garden Salad
  • Donated Blessed Birthday Cakes

Shokran to all those who supported and participated. Chicagoland area residents please contact Misbah at Chicago@fzhh.org for volunteer opportunities.

Please continue to show your love by supporting these FZHH programs.

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