India Mawlid 2022 - Celebrating Grand Milad an Nabi ﷺ with Local Orphans (Part 3)

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
“The best among you are those who bring greatest benefits to many others.” Prophet Muhammad ﷺ (S.A.W)
al Hamdulillah under the blessed guidance of Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi, FZHH & its Hyderabad, India volunteers honored Holy Wiladat/Birthday of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ by preparing blessed food at Grand Mawlid/Eid Milad an Nabi ﷺ for local community's beloved orphans & madrasa/school children.
The Blessed Menu at the Grand Mawlid/Eid Milad an Nabi ﷺ ,consisted of:
- Welcome Juice (Grapes & Pineapple)
- Sugar Candy
- Chocolate Candy
- Russian Salad
- Mutton Maragh
- Butter Mutton
- Rose Mutton
- Mutton Biryani
- Naan Roti
- Rumali Roti
- Gulab Jamun
- Sitaphal Kheer
- Kheema
- Blessed Cake
- And More!
View Our Global Celebrations of the Birth of Creation by Checking Out Our Website Dedicated to Grand Mawlid/Eid Milad an Nabi ﷺ
Shokran to all the those whom donated and supported 🙏🏾.
Please continue to show your love by supporting these FZHH programs.
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