Abuja, Nigeria - Participating in Pediatric Medical Outreach Program by Distributing Essential Pediatric Consumable Supplies & Anti-Malaria and Anti-Typhoid Medications to 400+ Less Privileged Children & Nursing Mothers at Local Health Centers

Bismillahir Rahmanhir Raheem
al Hamdulillah under the blessed guidance of Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi, FZHH & its Abuja, Nigeria volunteers participated in our Pediatric Medical Outreach Program by distributing essential pediatric consumable supplies & anti-malaria and anti-typhoid medications to 400+ less privileged children & nursing mothers at local health centers.
MashAllah with Shaykh Nurjan's blessings, this service is dedicated to:
- 🌹Holy Wiladat (Birthday) of Beloved Sultanul Awliya Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani ق ع - Fortieth Master of The Most Distinguished Naqshbandi Golden Chain🌹
- 🌹Holy Blessed Teachings & Holy Family of Beloved Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi ق ع🌹
- 🌹Honoring the Upcoming Holy Blessed Month of Ramadan🌹
MashAllah with Shaykh Nurjan's blessings, services & distribution included:
- 360+ Diapers
- 228+ Anti-Malaria & Anti-Typhoid Medications
- And Much More!
MashAllah with Shaykh Nurjan's blessings, services & distribution were provided to:
- 400+ Less Privileged Children & Nursing Mothers
Shokran to all the those whom donated and supported 🙏🏾.
Jummah Mubarak 🙏🏾.
Please continue to show your love by supporting these FZHH programs.
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