Spread Kindness This Rajab - Donate Today Spread Kindness This Rajab - Donate Today

Distributing Surplus Bakery Items & Fresh Produce to Community’s Homeless Shelter – CHI

Distributing Surplus Bakery Items & Fresh Produce to Community’s Homeless Shelter – CHI

Honoring Wiladat of Imam Ali (AS) by Distributing Care Bags & Serving Pizza & Water to Skid Row Residents – LA Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Honoring Wiladat of Imam Ali (AS) by Distributing Care Bags & Serving Pizza & Water to Skid Row Residents – LA

🌹 With blessings of Mawlana, FZHH and its volunteers distributed surplus bakery items & fresh produce to Community's Homeless Shelter - Catholic Charities which houses 60 residents from less privileged community.

Items inluded can be viewed at FZHH Chicago's previous posts.

Additionally, ready made lunches were distributed so family & individuals can benefit during the freezing winter day.

Shokran to all those who supported and participated.

Chicagoland area residents please contact Misbah at Chicago@fzhh.org for volunteer opportunitiesHonoring Wiladat of Imam Ali (AS) by Distributing Care Bags & Serving Pizza & Water to Skid Row Residents – LA.

Please continue to show your love by supporting these FZHH programs.

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