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Global Impact 2023

muslimcharity.com is an Islamic charity working hard to distribute food, clean water, and clothing to those in need.


Fatima Zahra Helping Hand Annual Impact Report

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The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Do not with-hold your money by counting it (i.e. hoarding it), for if you did so, Allah would also with-hold His blessings from you."
(Sahih al-Bukhari 1433)

❣️ Rescued Food: 313,000+ lbs

❣️ Qurbani Distributed: 70,000+ lbs

❣️ Orphans Helped: 26,000+

❣️ Meals Served: 68,700+

❣️ Wells: 3,000+

❣️ GHG Averted: 300,000+ lbs

❤️ Support Today! Amazing work from our students in the field serving, and our sponsors. May Allah be pleased, Insh’Allah.

Muslim volunteers performing charity.


Fatima Zahra Helping Hand (FZHH) was created by Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi from the Naqshbandi Vancouver Center to help those in need.

As a non-profit, volunteer-based organization, we are guided by Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ noble example of showing endless love and support to those who are less fortunate. Together, with your generous contributions, we can create change and bring love, hope, and care to humanity around the world!

Our programs are designed to be accessible by anyone in need and we continue to expand our projects worldwide.

Everyone has the right to live with dignity. Put your faith in action and donate today!


Guided by the timeless values of the Holy Qur’an and prophetic tradition, our vision is to uplift the impoverished, strengthen communities for a resilient future, and provide unconditional love and support to people in need, regardless of their backgrounds.


Our mission is to help the less fortunate break the cycle of poverty and achieve dignity by providing access to necessities of life, including food, water, shelter, health and wellness opportunities, and education. Our mission is carried out by developing global initiatives to support the most vulnerable communities. Our mandate includes local volunteers on the ground to help execute programs while offering a personal connection to those in need.


In 2023, Fatima Zahra Helping Hand (FZHH) continued to illuminate the path of compassion and relief across the globe. With a mission deeply rooted in the principles of service, empathy, and unity, FZHH embarked on numerous initiatives aimed at addressing the urgent needs of the underprivileged. From rescuing and distributing food to providing educational support and healthcare, our efforts have reached the far corners of the world, creating a lasting impact on countless lives. 

We are grateful to share our global achievements, demonstrating our unwavering commitment to making a difference.


313,000+ LBS
26,000+ ORPHANS
70,000+ LBS
3,000+ WELLS
68,700+ ITEMS
300,000+ LBS


In Pakistan, a comprehensive approach to support the underprivileged has been undertaken, with a focus on orphan support including much-needed healthcare initiatives. Our efforts include celebrating the Annual Grand Mawlid an Nabi ﷺ, providing orphans with a beacon of hope and the opportunity to celebrate holy events. The installation of thousands of water wells has steadily increased the country’s sustainable development.

Orphan Support Icon
Orphan Support – 1,000+ orphans received comprehensive care, including education, healthcare, and emotional support.
Healthcare Initiatives Icon
Healthcare Initiatives – 700+ children received pediatric care, addressing urgent health needs and regular medical camps and screenings to ensure ongoing wellness.
Clean Water Icon
Water Wells Installation – 3,000+ drinking water wells installed, significantly contributing to solving water scarcity issues, improving the health and daily lives of countless individuals.
Education Support Icon
Education and Nourishment – ongoing educational programs and nutritional support, providing a foundation for long-term development, empowering communities to break the cycle of poverty.
Kashmir Food Aid
Kashmir Food Aid – 110+ families and 300+ recipients provided with nutritional support.


In India, activities have been characterized by a blend of cultural sensitivity and proactive support for local communities. Through numerous mobile food programs and the distribution of hot meals and Qurban meat, less privileged community members have access to nutritious food. Additional initiatives include the delivery of educational materials to schools, offering students the chance to focus on their futures.

Grand Mawlid Icon
Grand Mawlid – 500+ children participated in a heartwarming event, filled with food, gifts, and joy, fostering a sense of community and belonging.
Food Distribution Icon
Food Distribution – 1,240+ food servings distributed weekly, addressing food insecurity and ensuring families have access to nutritious meals.
Qurban Icon
Qurban Initiative – 15,715+ pounds of meat from 396 Qurbans distributed to those in need, supporting nutritional well-being while honoring tradition.
Education Support Icon
Education and Nourishment – ongoing educational programs and nutritional support, providing a foundation for long-term development, empowering communities to break the cycle of poverty.


Kenya has seen a remarkable impact through focused efforts on food security, education, and healthcare, enhancing the quality of life for many. During Ramadan, host community volunteers served the needs of Africa’s largest slum, giving the less privileged the opportunity to embrace the joy of this holy month.

Qurban Icon
Qurban Initiative – 1,500+ beneficiaries received fresh meat from 122 Qurbans, providing the less privileged with nourishment.
Ramadan Distribution Icon
Ramadan Support – 300+ beneficiaries received Iftar food packages which included maize flour, rice, beans, oil, sugar, wheat flour, juice, and soap.
Food Distribution Icon
Food Distribution – ongoing mobile food delivery efforts are providing essential items to orphans, madrasa students, the homeless, and less privileged families.
Sustainable Development Icon
Sustainable Development – ongoing projects are aimed at empowering communities to improve their livelihoods and increase their resilience against future challenges.


Los Angeles & Orange County are a focal point of our mission in the U.S. With numerous comprehensive programs in place, host community volunteers serve children, families, and the underprivileged with compassion and kindness.

Food Rescue Icon
Food Rescue – 27,000+ pounds of food recovered, significantly reducing food waste while providing essential nutrition to those in need.
Meal Delivery Icon
Meal Delivery – 35,000+ meals delivered to beneficiaries and families, ensuring food security.
Food Donation Icon
Children Support – 300+ children were gifted with toys, brightening their lives during challenging times.
Direct Meal Icon
Direct Meal Service – 2,500+ individuals benefited from meals, addressing immediate nutritional needs with compassion and efficiency.
Winter Socks Icon
Winter Socks Campaign – 200+ beneficiaries received essential socks, providing the necessary warmth during the colder months.
Food Distribution Icon
Service Miles – 3,500+ miles driven by the FZHH Mobile Relief Van, extending our reach and impact throughout the region.
Education Support Icon
Dawah Book Fair – 150,000+ visitors invited to learn about Shaykh Nurjan’s teachings at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books.


Chicago's initiatives are demonstrating the power of mobility and reach in serving those in need. Host community volunteers are working tirelessly to rescue and distribute fresh fruits, vegetables, and grocery items to numerous families and individuals, including Chicago's largest homeless shelter. In addition, volunteers prepare and distribute hot meals to a local community mosque, providing nutritious food in a safe space.

Food Rescue Icon
Food Rescue – 27,000+ pounds of food recovered, significantly reducing food waste while providing essential nutrition to those in need.
Meal Delivery Icon
Meal Delivery – 18,000+ meals delivered to beneficiaries and families, ensuring food security.
Food Distribution Icon
Food Distribution – 180,000+ pounds of essential groceries rescued and distributed to local homeless shelters, men’s shelter, women and children shelter, and senior care homes.
Winter Kit Icon
Winter Kit Campaign – 42+ winter kits distributed to a center for women and children, providing necessities including personal amenity pouches, wool blankets, wool hats, and face masks.


Vancouver programs are increasing with a steadfast commitment to supporting local communities while contributing to sustainable environmental practices. With a network of dedicated volunteers, monumental food rescue operations are creating a profound impact on those in need by ensuring food stability.

Food Rescue Icon
Food Rescue – 150,000+ pounds of food recovered during 1,800 initiatives, providing essential nutrition those in need, while reducing food waste.
Meal Delivery Icon
Meal Delivery – 13,200+ meals served, including 8,400+ individual meals and 4,800+ school meals, ensuring families and children receive nourishment and food security.
GHGs Icon
Greenhouse Gases Averted (GHG) – 300,000+ pounds of GHGs averted, significantly contributing to environmental protection and sustainability.
Grocery Hampers Icon
Grocery Hampers – 6,660+ hampers distributed to families, providing a variety of essential food items.
Winter Kit Icon
Winter Socks Campaign – 700+ beneficiaries received essential winter items, offering warmth and comfort during the cold months.
Food Distribution Icon
Service KMs – 117,000+ kilometers driven by the FZHH Supertruck and Mobile Relief Van, reaching communities across Metro Vancouver to deliver crucial aid and support.

Muslim volunteer helping in charity.


As we look to the future, Fatima Zahra Helping Hand (FZHH) is inspired to continue our work, driven by compassion, dedication, and the belief that we can make a difference. In each of these regions, FZHH's targeted efforts reflect a deep understanding of local needs and a commitment to providing holistic support. By addressing immediate concerns and laying the groundwork for sustainable development, FZHH is not only changing lives in the present but also paving the way for a brighter, more self-reliant future for these communities. Our mission exemplifies the multifaceted approach necessary to tackle the complex challenges of poverty, health, and education, particularly in Pakistan, India & Kenya. Our vision for a world where every individual has access to the basic necessities of life guides our path forward.


The collective strength and generosity of the FZHH community allows us to expand our outreach, enhance our programs, and continue to serve those in need with an even greater impact. Thank you to our volunteers, donors, and partners for your immense support and commitment! The impact of your contributions reach far and wide, providing compassion and delivering hope to those in need.

Together, we can bring love, hope, and care to humanity!


Join our network of dedicated volunteers today!

For information: click here

Step 1 - Please obtain FZHH shirts so that volunteers and students are identifiable with the charity and Tariqa.

Step 2 - Approach food retailers and ask them to donate any unsold foods they would otherwise discard. Building a relationship with the food manager is a great way to sustain a steady flow of food supply.

Step 3 - Distribute rescued foods to local homeless shelters, food pantries, community women & children centers or underprivileged schools.

Step 4 - Document your service with photos! Please be respectful when taking pictures of those whom you are serving. Send your photos to:

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